22nd - 28th June
From recycling more of everyday items like glass and plastic bottles to reusing carrier bags or composting at home, there are lots of opportunities to promote how we can all reduce the amount of waste we send to landfill.
The Recycle Now campaign is asking people to sign up and pledge to do something to combat waste http://www.recyclenow.com/ Loads of people have already signed up.
Here at For-Keeps we are committed to combatting waste by making sure that everyone we know has one of our amazing re-useable, ultra strong BAGGU BAGS.
They fold up into neat little squares and can be slipped easily in to your handbag or back pack. Perfect for every visit to the shops. We've just had a shipment of BAGGU's arrive this week. There are glorious summer colours - Orange, Lime, Purple and Cherry - to choose from. You can never have too many Baggu Bags. We know. We carry them around with us wherever we go and without being smug, we always feel we have made a small contribution to combatting waste and making our environment that little bit better off.
Get your Baggu Bag today @ www.for-keeps.co.uk. You'll never leave home without it. We guarantee.